Our Story

Kendal, our lead pastor, tells it...

"Sherry and I love to see people discover the hope that comes through Jesus. That's why we started our first church way back in 1993! After 12 years there, we sensed God inviting us to do it again.

"We love to see people discover the hope that comes through Jesus!"

So in February 2005, with our church's blessing and financial support, we packed up our family and moved to Clermont, where we knew exactly zero people. But God brought us a team, and in 2006 the Crossing Church was born. In 2017, we started a ‘daughter’ church, Hope Community, in Wildwood, and we currently support several other new churches in Central Florida! 

A few years ago we finished paying for our gorgeous 18-acre property on Black's Lake and began to build. We just moved into our new home and are excited to enter a whole new chapter of helping people take their next step to know and follow Jesus!

One more thing about us: as we have worshiped and camped and held events on our land (my favorite is our annual Christmas Eve Bonfire), we have come to realize that a big part of God's vision for us is to create a Sacred Space--a place where we can learn together how to slow down and breath in the peace, presence, and healing of Jesus. If that sounds refreshing to you, come help us make it happen!"
