New Here?

Here's what to expect...

First off, we're not too hard to find :)

Look for our sign along Old Hwy 50 West . As you turn into the driveway, enjoy the view of our lake! Just past our building you’ll find plenty of parking.

You can use either the front or back door, but we recommend the lakeside (back) entrance so you can stop by the hospitality table in the lobby for some really good (free) coffee. And if you have kids, that's where Kids Crossing check-in stations are. Be sure to visit our Next Steps Center and let them know you’re a first-time guest so we can give you a gift. Then grab a seat in the auditorium and get ready to experience God in a fresh way! The service will be about an hour and ten minutes, and will feature engaging music and real-life messages from the Bible.

Kids are always welcome!

We recommend letting them check out Kids Crossing, a place where they can explore God in creative ways at their own level (infant through fifth grade). It’s not babysitting – it’s a time dedicated to learning foundational truths. When you ask them what they did, be ready; you might just learn something yourself!

There! That’s the nickel tour.

Oh, one more thing–you’ll find most folks in casual dress. Lots of jeans and shorts, maybe a few khakis and skirts and an occasional tie. Wear whatever feels comfortable for you!

Want more info? Check out our other about pages. If there’s any other way we can serve you, shoot us an email at! See you Sunday…
