Stephanie became a follower of Christ at a Vacation Bible School one elementary school summer and was baptized at the age of 12. She has been part of The Crossing since its first service at the dance studio and desires to grow her faith and deepen her relationship with Jesus. She loves spending time with her family, reading (when she can find the time) and getting lost in a good movie. If it were possible to make a career out of listening to the ocean waves or moose-watching in Alaska she’d be living the dream!

If anything is going smoothly logistically at the Crossing, it’s almost a guarantee that Stephanie is at least partially responsible. She takes the details, removes the devil that was within them, and then makes the details holy and set apart to further the Kingdom of God!

What’s new in the Baysinger household? Guinea Pigs! She’s experience a crash course on animals husbandry because of them 😉